Hello everyone! Todays topic is different stages of internet development
Web 1.0 – Web 1.0 refers to the first stage of the World Wide Web evolution. Earlier, there were only few content creators in Web 1.0 with the huge majority of users who are consumers of content. Personal web pages were common, consisting mainly of static pages hosted on ISP-run web servers, or on free web hosting services.
Web 2.0 – Web 2.0 refers to world wide website which highlight user-generated content, usability and interoperability for end users. Web 2.0 is also called participative social web. It does not refer to a modification to any technical specification, but to modify in the way Web pages are designed and used.
Web 3.0 – It refers the evolution of web utilization and interaction which includes altering the Web into a database. In enables the upgradation of back-end of the web, after a long time of focus on the front-end (Web 2.0 has mainly been about AJAX, tagging, and another front-end user-experience innovation). Web 3.0 is a term which is used to describe many evolutions of web usage and interaction among several paths. In this, data isn’t owned but instead shared, where services show different views for the same web / the same data.
Difference between Web 1.0, Web 2.0 and Web 3.0
Second Life offers new approaches to language learning and initial feedback from students is very positive. Teaching in Second Life is more than just the 3D experience. Technology doesn’t replace the professionalism of an experienced and qualified native speaking teacher, it simply allows us to be more creative. Second Life is especially suited to younger learners of foreign languages because they already see the internet as a natural place to learn and play. Second Life brings immersive, immediate and - more importantly - supportive, social and truly constructivist - potential to distance learning. Combined with a virtual learning environment such as Moodle, this is the killer education application for the inventive teacher.
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